Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Steady steady

Adam has just set a new personal best with 10 Minutes of sitting up unsupported. I've mixed feelings about this as it was my 'Well Done!' that shocked him and caused a startled tumble back onto the mattress and prematurely ended his practice session.

Sadly no awards for such skill, just a 6 ounce bottle of Mothers Best Milk and a cuddle of course!

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Friday, July 04, 2008

With a very heavy heart and much sadness, on the 3rd of July 2008, at approximately 6pm Odette, Adam and I said our fond farewells to Harry our beloved cat for the very last time.

In the short time that we knew and loved Harry, he transformed himself from a grubby diesel covered outdoor cat, who didn't know how to play or even clean himself, into a very hygienic indoor cat that not only enjoyed to play. but spent most of his time sleeping on the leather sofa,
which I'm sure reminded him of his former favourite spot - on the seat of a motorbike).

Harry has been such a real wonder and a true member of our family, he has always had a place in my heart, but that place was made even larger when he became lovingly protective towards our newborn son. Harry is in almost every photo of Adam and I fondly recall when I gave Harry a stroke and cuddle and he spent all the time checking me over and licking me clean before I went near our newborn son.

No one knows just how old Harry actually was, having been previously abandoned and adopted. But he seemed to have a newfound life and playfulness when he moved in to our new home with us. It was therefore very hard when, following a suspected stroke that appeared to have caused Harry some physical distress and blindness in one eye, Harry's health deteriorated quickly over the following weeks, leaving him disorientated and frightened, unable to recognise us at times. It was a painful and hard decision to euthanise Harry, but I hope it was the right decision for him.

The vet carried out a mini funeral ceremony for Harry and explained that the last senses he would be aware of, were sound and touch. So while talking to him gently, and stroking him, he was put to sleep.

He'll be missed for some time yet, and we're lucky to have so many photos of him as a happy and loved housecat.

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